The fog. The evening.
My name is Debora. I was born in 1973 and I am a "citizen of the world" resident in Italy. Lhamo Saraswati are the names that I have acquired in my spiritual journey. Faith and religion had a vital role in the lives of my mother and my grandmother and they have taught this to me, too. This spirituality has grown in me- it has created desire for knowledge, wisdom, artistic expression and communion with the divine. I've graduated in Middle Eastern History, and I have lectured comparative reading of symbols, religion and the tradition of Ottoman-Turkish minor arts. When I was 38 years old, my life was yoga, meditation and research on matriarchal cults. I was a theatrical actress and poetry performer. My painting works are exhibited in three exhibitions. I was working in an Italian multinational society... but in my soul, I had no experience of unconditional love.
The storm. The night.
In July 2011, a terrible back pain brings me slowly, in just four months to stop walking and a failing to get out of bed with a loss of sensativity to my left leg. Continuous strong pain was preventing me from doing this at every moment. I lost my job, friends and relatives didn't want to see me. My father and my sisters were refusing to help me, and see me. My mother, ultra-septuagenarian, was near to me, only my mother. No art. No yoga. No meditation.
The quiet. The dawn.
Finally after 2 years of physical pain and totally ignoring the real causes of my illness, a doctor prescribed to me the "pain therapy". I can now "get up" and "sit down" now. Although I can not leave the house because of architectural barriers, I have begun a new life. But what was I to do? On the web I had made friends with Sita who had a blog / reviews of beauty products. She's asked me to collaborate with her, so I did. The feeling of being alive and useful was back. The beauty is in the art, and art is a dialogue within the divine, as always. And the beauty inspired me to try a different form of meditation: create, manipulate matter, changing form and appearance. I see the sunset and I see the sunrise, every day ... I am lucky woman! There are no barriers or wheelchairs that may limit the sublime manifestation of the divine.