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You Can Transform Your Adversity into an Amazing Life Experience

how i became an amputee

My name is Inga. I was born and raised in Vilnius, Lithuania (EU). I enjoyed my dynamic lifestyle, until a tragic car accident drastically changed my life. At the age of 22, I woke up in the ICU on the verge of death without my legs and fully paralyzed left arm. My boyfriend and I had been driving 100 mph on an icy road down a hill in the downtown of Vilnius city, and we hit a light pole. My boyfriend was ejected out of the car and instantly killed due to a severe skull injury. He was 26 years old. After cutting the wrecked car into pieces, the emergency crew extracted me half-dead, without my legs. Upon the moment of impact, some part of the car had severed both of them above the knees. Due to a substantial loss of blood and extensive trauma, I was immediately placed into the ICU and hooked up to a life support machine. I was given a 30% chance of survival.

New Life as an amputee: Facing my destiny

Praise the Lord, I was brought back to life even though my heart stopped two times. When I woke up, I found myself in a world that I never knew: severe injuries throughout my body made me unable to speak, move and do anything independently. I had lost both of my legs above the knee. My left hand was fully paralyzed and did not show any signs of life except delivering constant, sharp, burning pain. I was confined to the bed, unable to do anything independently, except open and close my eyes. I was not able to sit up nor could I turn to either side. In one moment my life turned upside down. I lost everything that made my life beautiful, and there was no way to return back. My city was not accessible for people in wheelchairs, and I became imprisoned by the walls of my own home.

Faced with the crossroads of my destiny, I decided to fight for my life. I firmly believed that with God’s help I could reclaim my independence and was ready to work relentlessly to achieve my vision. Going against circumstances and opinions of others, I aimed for goals that seemed beyond my grasp. Local prosthetic specialists tried to ensure me that I would never be able to walk because in my physical condition of bilateral above the knee amputation and full paralysis of one arm it was impossible to walk wearing prostheses. But I told them that I WOULD walk and would even dance, and they would see it. I fulfilled my vow. They saw me walking and dancing, just as I said I would.

What I Have Gained Since The Accident

Finally, four years since the accident, I traveled independently from Europe to the U.S. to implement my dream of establishing an independent and fulfilling life which was taken from me. The endeavor seemed impossible due to the challenges involved; I had no place to live, not a lot of money and no work. In addition, I had no legs and only one functional arm. This was an enormous challenge. But, I decided to trust the Lord and returned to California to see how I could establish the life I was longing to live. I set different goals for myself, made continuous efforts to achieve them, and within a few years, I implemented my beautiful vision of establishing a dynamic and fulfilling life. Since 2005 I have been living independently in California. My life has been completely transformed. Today I live a much more fulfilling life than before the car accident. What I have gained after the tragic event is so much more than what I have lost!

How I Help Others Overcome Adversity

I am self-sufficient, live on my own, work, travel, and joyfully build relationships, all the while helping others. Currently, I work as the Public Relations & Volunteer Coordinator at Disability Services & Legal Center (DSLC). On June 2, 2017, the Board of Directors of California Human Development (CHD) gave me a Champion Award for serving as a role model to people with disabilities and for vital support of CHD’s disABILITY Services programs through my work with the Disability Services & Legal Center.

Tough, but amazing life journey developed my passion to help people. So I decided to devote my life and career to my calling. In addition to my job, I am a Certified Life Coach and inspirational speaker. I am very passionate about equipping people with the knowledge on how to break through the hard times, how to keep on going when it seems impossible, how to overcome depression, how to break through the obstacles and achieve goals, how deal with problems and trust the Lord. Over the years I have conducted a number of public speaking engagements and interviews in both Lithuania and in the United States for television programs, radio, and publications for inspirational purposes, and I look forward to continuing to share my message of hope.

Becoming Unstoppable

Just recently I accomplished my long-term big goal – published my book “UNSTOPPABLE. It’s a Choice”. It’s a memoir and life coaching/personal development book, based on my Christian faith. It’s a collection of real letters to my brother, which were written to help him overcome adversity in his own life. The book aims to inspire, coach, ignite faith, and equip the reader with knowledge on how to overcome hardships and create the life you desire in spite any obstacles, and trust God. Check out my website to read more about the book and how to find it:

I am a Co-Founder of the Becoming Unstoppable. Our mission is to make a difference in people’s lives by bringing the message of hope, sharing a personal testimony of the living God’s power to restore the broken and turn the impossible into possible. Along with the message about faith, I share practical guidance and self-management strategies/tools to empower people to keep on going and break through any circumstances to create the lives they’re longing to have. Many thought that the car accident broke my destiny. And, it seemed like it, indeed. But what I have learned through experience is that it’s not what happens to us that determines our destiny. But it's how we look at it and what we do afterward will make our life worth living, or miserable. Our choice to have unshakable faith, to never give up and make a relentless effort can transform any adversity into a blessing and amazing life experience.

Spreading the message of hope

If I can make a difference in your life or for your group, please don't hesitate to connect with me. I will be happy to hear from you!

Many thought that the car accident broke my destiny. And, it seemed like it, indeed. But what I have learned through experience is that it’s not what happens to us that determines our destiny. But it's how we look at it and what we do afterward will make our life worth living, or miserable. Our choice to have unshakable faith, to never give up and make a relentless effort can transform any adversity into a blessing and amazing life experience.

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Speaker, Life Coach, Author of "UNSTOPPABLE. It's a Choice"



Inga Lizdenyte

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