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Going through life on wheels

My life on wheels

Hi my name is Nessie (@nessie_dt) I am from South Africa. I was born with Spina Bifida and I was also 2 1/2 months early. When my mom was pregnant with me she didn't know that I was disabled. She only found out when I was born. I have gone through a rough jounrey with living differently and being bullied at school.. and feeling really down in life.. and besides my friends and family @selenagomez has kept my head up high and showed me i can do it. Now i know that i have a greater purpose in life.. and I know I am going to fulfill that purpose.. you just need to believe in yourself.. my greatest passions in life are animals and music as well as travel and I hope to be something great one day because I know I can.. #wheelchairlife #icandoit #believe #whenyouarereadyyoocandoit

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Nessie Du Toit

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Going through life on wheels

Hi my name is Nessie (@nessie_dt) I am from South Africa. I was born with Spina Bifida and I was also 2 1/2 months early. When my mom was pr
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