Living life to the fullest!
Hi, my name is Izabela, @Izabela.dorn on instagram. ☀ I have lymph girdle muscular dystrophy (type LGMD2A) and have been using a wheelchair
Living life to the fullest!
Happy Christmas from Erez and the Yoocan team
Exercise helps me to feel strong & capable, even on my worst days
What's In a Name?
Extract From My Blog (One Dog And A Bag)
Rising Above the Challenge
Lipedema & Living
Fibromyalgia, P.O.T.S AND TRAUMA
My Story- Accessibility with Aspen Sage
Scuba with Juancho!
Life does not give you obstacles without opportunities.
Standing Tall
From child with a brain Tumor to winning gold medals in running
The Global Community Created this Wheelchair
Turning Obstacles into Opportunities
Mike Korins and his incredible voice
Erez's grand uncle goes to see "The Boy with the Dots"
A Mug Designed with Everyone in Mind
Day in my LIFE